We are creating well-being for the community with services that include:

Energywork - shifts and balances energies to promote healing
- Reiki (hands-off/hands-on)
- Zen Shiatsu
- Qi Gong Energy Healing
- Polarity
- Cranial Sacral
- Cancer Comfort

- Therapeutic Swedish
- Deep Tissue
- Thai
- Sports injury
- Physical/mental trauma/injury recovery
- Acupressure/Amma seated pressure massage
- Post-surgical edema
- Pregnancy
- Neuromuscular

- Meditation Instruction
- Sound Healing
- Personal Training
- End of Life Care
- Classes

- Tarot
- Oracle
- Intuitive
- Archetypes

Enjoy freedom of Body, Mind and Spirit.
Call to schedule your session today!
Referrals welcome for Holistic Practitioners:
Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Licensed Massage Therapists
Contact us to schedule an interview today!